PM Exchange Rates
/ EUR 0.939
USD 1.022
GOLD Bid Price /oz:
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I withdraw money to my bank account?
This option is available to the verified users only.
If you want to make a withdrawal by bank wire, please visit "Withdrawal" section, select ‘Withdrawal Through Bank Wire’ option, and complete all the required fields. Your bank details can be obtained from your bank. Use the “Preview” button to check if all the information is correct. Here you can also choose your primary Certified Exchange Service provider and the secondary Certified Exchange Service provider that will process your application. Certified Exchange Service provider is an exchanger that will process your bank wire. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Certified Exchange Service provider that you have chosen/intend to choose to process your bank transfer.
You should review your entries once more and click "Confirm withdrawal”. The system will save your application.
What is the difference between a single payment and a scheduled payment?
A single payment is an instant one time payment. The value of the payment is set by you. A scheduled payment is a feature that allows users to schedule payments to specified accounts on preset dates and of preset value.
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PM Payment gateway plugin
for Virtuemart® ver. 3 Shopping Cart
Even more Shopping Carts available!
Perfect Money together with its partners has developed a large variety of modules
for the most popular Internet shopping carts. Having implemented one of the
modules of API Merchants to your shop/site you will immediately provide your
clients with one more payment option including payment by Perfect Money e-currency,
e-Vouchers and Prepaid Cards, SMS Payments, Bank Wire Transfers.
Plugins for the following shopcarts are available now: ZenCart,
VirtueMart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, WHMCS, Joomla!, Magento, Wordpress.