PM Exchange Rates
/ EUR 0.94
USD 1.02
GOLD Bid Price /oz:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a fee for participating in the Credit Exchange?
The Credit Exchange does not charge any additional fees. A lender pays the standard 0.5% fee upon request to transfer money to a borrower. A borrower also pays the standard 0.5% fee upon request to transfer money to the lender. Please note that the fee for unverified accounts equals 1.99%.
Can I withdraw funds directly into Bitcoin?
Yes, you can. The Perfect Money system offers direct withdrawals from your PMB account to your Bitcoin account. To withdraw funds from your PMB account into your Bitcoin account, you need to create a withdrawal order by going to the "Withdrawal" section and clicking on the “Bitcoin” button. Next, you should click "Create a new withdrawal application". On the opened page you will enter the account number you want to use for your withdrawal, the Bitcoin-address to which you want to transfer the money and the amount transferred. Click on "Preview" to check if everything is correct and confirm the payment.
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PM Payment gateway extension
for Magento®
Even more Shopping Carts available!
Perfect Money together with its partners has developed a large variety of modules
for the most popular Internet shopping carts. Having implemented one of the
modules of API Merchants to your shop/site you will immediately provide your
clients with one more payment option including payment by Perfect Money e-currency,
e-Vouchers and Prepaid Cards, SMS Payments, Bank Wire Transfers.
Plugins for the following shopcarts are available now: ZenCart,
VirtueMart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, WHMCS, Joomla!, Magento, Wordpress.