Payment System Gold USD EUR
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Buy Gold Metal, Buy USD EURO currency online, Payment System
E-Currency Payment System
fast,easy,comfortable - way to develop your money

PM Exchange Rates

USD / EUR  0.932   |
|   EUR / USD  1.029


USD >> 95743.93   |
|    EUR >> 91112.64

GOLD Bid Price /oz:

USD >> 2590.396   |
|    EUR >> 2465.539

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the recipient not see my internal transfer in his/her account?

It is possible that your transfer was regarded as suspicious by our intelligent antifraud monitoring system and was forwarded for manual processing. This process is a bit longer than the automatic transfer. If your transfer is delayed for a few hours, please do not worry. After your payment is verified and confirmed as legal, the money will be credited to the payee`s account.

How do I become a lender on the Perfect Money Credit Exchange?

If you want to become a lender, you need to create a loan proposal. To start a loan proposal, you need to go to the Credit Exchange and click "Give a loan".

Fill is your loan offer by specifying the account you want to use, the amount proposed for a loan, the interest rate, the loan term, a way of loan processing, the loan purpose and the comment. Once you are done, click on the ‘Preview’ button and check all the information entered. If you are sure that everything is correct, click on "Create a new loan proposal" to confirm, or on the "Back" button to make any corrections.

Your loan proposal will be added to the existing list of proposals -

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Positive trend on gold accounts

Department of Statistics of Perfect Money has noted a sharp increase of
turnovers on gold accounts of Perfect Money, as well as 47% increase of fund
volumes deposited by the system customers in comparison to December of 2007.

Analysts of Perfect Money explain this activity on gold accounts by sudden
leap of gold rate, and this trend is going on. All of this can be explained
by influence of US mortgage crisis consequences and by abrupt decrease in
rates of main papers in January, when the main stock indicators in the USA
and in other countries have lost about 10%.

As a result today Perfect Money Department of Statistics publishes all the
showings of 30% turnover increase in gold accounts in comparison to December
of 2007 that caused intense activity on other currency accounts of the users
in view of the shaky cross-rate USD\Gold.

More news:

We’ve turned 14! » 05.10.21

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