Payment System Gold USD EUR
E-Currency Payment SystemPerfect Money Payment System

Switzerland E-Currency
Switzerland E-Currency
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Buy Gold Metal, Buy USD EURO currency online, Payment System
E-Currency Payment System
fast,easy,comfortable - way to develop your money

Cambi in PM

USD / EUR  0.902   |
|   EUR / USD  1.063


USD >> 68127.76   |
|    EUR >> 62735.58

GOLD Bid Price /oz:

USD >> 2339.385   |
|    EUR >> 2155.041

Sondaggio Pubblico

Perfect Money: Servizio Qualità & Prodotti

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Le domande fatte frequente

Cos’è la cronologia in CSV?

A livello mondiale, la maggior parte delle società tiene una copia fisica della documentazione elettronica. La cronologia in CSV è l’estratto conto del tuo profilo, disponibile in un formato che può essere aperto e stampato con Microsoft Excel.

Si applicano commissioni per il versamento in conto mediante e-Voucher?

I depositi mediante e-Voucher sono gratuiti.

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Real time poll statistics. Perfect Money: service quality & products

What people think about Perfect Money, its products and service quality? It's not a secret anymore.

The voting system is highly transparent and all the voting outcomes are 100 % accessable by users.


Usability is the measure of the quality of a user's experience. Perfect Money is designed to meet your needs.

4.41 / 5

Functional and features

Our goal is to provide the highest quality internet banking products and services.

4.37 / 5

Customer Support

The company management monitors all incoming support tickets and phone calls to determine when and where service improvements should be made.

4.25 / 5

Overall rating

Does Perfect Money provide the quality service and products up to your expectations?

4.38 / 5

Perfect Money è nuova generazione di sistemi di pagamento su Internet. Sistema di pagamento per i trasferimenti 
© 2007-2024 Startup Smart Development. All rights reserved. 
Licensed payment service provider authorized by The Autonomous Island of Anjouan with registration number 15559. Financial license L 15559 / SSD.
Affiliate Program | Perfect Money API | Aspetto legale | Normative legali | Condizioni d’uso | AML
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