Payment System Gold USD EUR
E-Currency Payment SystemPerfect Money Payment System

Switzerland E-Currency
Switzerland E-Currency
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Buy Gold Metal, Buy USD EURO currency online, Payment System
E-Currency Payment System
fast,easy,comfortable - way to develop your money

PM Exchange Rates

USD / EUR  0.902   |
|   EUR / USD  1.063


USD >> 67913.66   |
|    EUR >> 62554.05

GOLD Bid Price /oz:

USD >> 2339.406   |
|    EUR >> 2155.061

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the interest rate paid to the referrer for the activity of his/her referrals?

We pay 1% per annum of the minimum monthly balance in the account of each referred user.

If I select two Certified Exchange Service providers, do I have to pay a commission to both?

No, you don’t. You will be charged only by the provider who processes your application.

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Changes to Perfect Money commission schedule

Dear Customers,

To improve the service provided to our customers and further expand the Perfect Money payment system to new markets, starting on 10/09/2013 our commission schedule will be updated. The new commission for internal transfers (transfers within the Perfect Money system) is set to 1.99%. For customers making ransactions from verified accounts, and for premium account holders, the commission remains at 0.5%.

In line with our continuing commitment to transparency within our system, we encourage our customers to verify their Perfect Money accounts. The verification process is as straight forward as possible and should not take more than 72 hours if a customer follows the instructions closely.

KYC (Know Your Customer) is an important, globally-accepted policy that is essential to ensure greater customer satisfaction and quality of service as well as compliance with modern business practices. As of 10/09/2013 our commission schedule will directly reflect the above mentioned policy.

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We’ve turned 14! » 05.10.21

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Perfect Money - new generation of Internet payment system. Payment processor for money transfer. 
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Licensed payment service provider authorized by The Autonomous Island of Anjouan with registration number 15559. Financial license L 15559 / SSD.
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