Where can I find the list of exchange service providers working with Perfect Money?
The list of our certified partners is always available here: https://www.perfectmoney.is/business-partners.html. We strongly recommend that you use only the exchange services from this list.
What is the minimum amount I can withdraw via a bank wire?
The minimum amount is set by the Certified Exchange Service partners.
All Account that belong to US Citizens/Residents/US Companies will be disabled within 15 days 15.06.13
Dear Customers,
In line with our policy, all accounts that belong to US Citizens/Residents/US Companies will be disabled on 1st of July. If you still have funds on your account, please take appropriate and timely steps to withdraw the balance. Please note that after 1st of July, no transactions can be executed at accounts that fall into the above mentioned category.
Please do not postpone taking action to withdraw you balance.