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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I install API?
If you need to install API on a website, please go to the “Settings” section and read the installation instructions carefully. The manual contains comprehensive information on how to install API.
What filters are available in the History section?
The system offers a number of filters to keep track of user activity from the day an account has been created. By using filters, account owners can keep track of the following areas:
- "User". This filter helps a user to view all actions related to changes in the user`s personal information, as well as exact login times and the IP-addresses used to login. - "Account". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to the creation of wallets within his/her account as well as any changes in account balances. - "Deposit". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to deposit applications including the ones denied and unprocessed by the system. - "Withdrawal". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to withdrawal applications, including the ones denied and unprocessed by the system. - "Mail". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to internal mail usage within the account. - "Security". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to changes in security settings, including notifications, PIN codes to verify the identity, etc. - "Exchange". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to exchange applications made within his/her accounts, including pending and completed ones. - "SMS". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to the use of SMS option in your account. - "Public". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to changes in the public information provided by his/her profile. - "Scheduled payment". This filter enables a user to see all actions related to changes in payment schedule including its creation, configuration, and submission times.
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